Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Comparison Of Three Newspapers: Local

Islington Gazette

Stories Covered: Local newspapers usually publish only stories from its local area, however occasionally they print important national news.
Headlines: "Gypsy Site Battle" this story would only be important to someone living in that area who may be affected by it.
Language: Local newspaper use both formal and informal language such as "Gypsy" which is a word which would not be seen in a national paper.
Masthead: Similarly to the other 2 papers, the Masthead will be found at the top of the papers front page.
Splash: The splash would take up a large amount of space on a local newspaper because they wont have the amount of stories a tabloid and broadsheet has so it will fill pages with large splashes and pictures.
Caption: The captions will explain what is happening in the picture but will occasionally be non formal and make a joke.
Adverts: Local newspapers have the largest percentage of adverts as they havnt got a large enough reputation so larger advertisers wont use their paper so to make up for this the paper uses a large amount of little adverts.

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